№7, 2006

№7, 2006. Rethinking elections

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Андрэй Казакевіч. Палітычная картаграфія Беларусі ў выніках прэзідэнцкіх выбараў 1994—2006 гадоў (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is focused on analysis of territorial peculiarities of electoral behaviour in Belarus. The analysis is made on the basis of official voting results during presidential elections of 1994, 2001 and 2006. The author makes a conclusion that in spite of absence of full trust to official data (especially in 2001 and 2006), the analysis of this data allows to retrace territorial peculiarities of voting and to localize relatively «oppositional» and «anti-oppositional» areas that reflect essential regional differences, which are being preserved by the authoritarian regime. Key words: presidential elections, elections, elections of 1994, 2001, 2006 in Belarus, electoral behaviour, map of electoral behaviour, political division of Belarus.

Юрий Александренков. Исследования президентских выборов в Беларуси: обзор основных источников (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article contains a description and an analysis of main researches (monographs and collections of articles) on practice of presidential elections of 1994 and 2001 in Belarus. The article also contains a brief description of the researches’ contents, description of materials and empirical basis. The author also studies logic of researches, context and institutional frameworks of their existence. Key words: presidential elections, elections, elections of 1994, 2001, 2006 in Belarus, analysis of political science literature, electoral research, Belarusian political system.

Дзяніс Мельянцоў. Спантанныя группы ў паслявыбарчы перыяд (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is devoted to the phenomenon of spontaneous groups which arose during protests caused by the presidential elections of 2006. The author tries to give a definition of the notion «spontaneous groups», to classify groups according to their origin and internal structure, to define causes of their formation. The article also contains an attempt to outline perspectives of spontaneous groups in the nearest future. Key words: elections 2006, opposition, spontaneous groups, protests, resistance, network movement.

Николай Кацук. «Доверие» в социокультурном поле политики

Abstract (EN)
The author studies a problem of a traditional for sociology approach to interpretation of questions of questionnaire. On an example of a question about trust to an institute of President the author shows its performative character and limited nature of two-dimensional descriptions. The article offers a description of political difference between those who trust and distrust with the help of multi-dimensional model of socio-cultural determinations. Key words: statement about trust as a performative, political competence, elementary political oppositions, socio-cultural strategy, basic values, instrumental values, social identities, discriminant analysis.

Алексей Криволап. Новые медиа и актуальная политика весны — 2006 (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is focused on the role and significance of new media during the presidential elections of 2006. The author also studies theoretical bases of «tactical media» and perspectives of their future participation in political struggle. Key words: new media, tactical media, Internet, presidential elections, consumerism, ideology.

Сяргей Кузняцоў. Сімволіка грошаў: фінансы і гістарычная свядомасць Украіны, Літвы і Беларусі (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
Images on banknotes are one of the ways of visualization and distribution of knowledge about a definite historical period and fixing it in consciousness of people with the aim to influence national identity. The author analyses images on banknotes of three neighbour countries — Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus, he studies common features and differences in design of the banknotes. The author makes a conclusion about closeness of Lithuanian and Ukrainian approaches to the issue of influence on identity through images on banknotes; unlike Belarusian identity engineers, which ignore this method. Key words: political symbols, symbolism of Belarus, Lithuania and Ukraine, historical memory, identity construction, finances, money.

Александр Сарна. Политическая реклама — 2006: власти и оппозиции (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is devoted to the presidential elections of 2006 in Belarus in the context of advertisement production. The author analyses main images of the political campaign of 2006, usages of these images by the authorities and opposition, main mechanisms of political advertisement retranslation. Separately, the author analyses stylistic parameters of publicity messages of the authorities and opposition. Key words: political advertisement, presidential elections of 2006 in Belarus, political campaigns, political symbols, symbolism, publicity messages in politics.

Алена Сідаровіч. Дзяржаўна-грамадскі сектар у беларускай палітычнай мадэлі (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
During last years in Belarus we can observe a tendency that is reflected in civil society structures incorporation into state sector. The most important spheres of civil activity (trade unions and youth organizations) are completely under governmental control and guardianship, and disloyal ones are being suppressed. In conditions of institutional corporative model of relations between civil and state sectors in Belarus, the unique processes take place that is an attempt to create a hybrid state non-governmental sector. Key words: civil society, third sector, corporative state, Belarusian political system, state non-governmental sector, non-governmental organizations.

Татьяна Чулицкая. Особенности исследования политического пространства России (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is focused on the analysis of the state of political researches in Russia. The author studies main peculiarities of this institute, offers a typology and brief description of some empirical research centers, technologies and forms of usage of expert researches in commercial sector. The article contains a conclusion about inessential number of research centers that work out their own methodological base and conduct solid empirical researches. At the same time the author notes improvements in quality of some sociological centers’ work, and wide potential of policy studies, conducted in frameworks of commercial structures. Key words: political science in Russia, political studies, political analysis centers, political analysis, Russian political science.

Наталля Васілевіч. Сацыялогія рэлігіі як прадукт палітычнай ідэалогіі (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is focused on comprehensive review of a book by D. Bezniuk «State-confessional relations in Republic of Belarus (sociological aspect)», and it also analyses theoretical-methodological problems, which arise during study of such a phenomenon as «state-confessional relations», primarily – difficulty of definition of research object itself. The author is aimed at not only a critical review of definite work, but also a whole tradition of similar thematic researches, which are represented in Belarusian humanities studies. Key words: religion, Bezniuk, state-confessional relations, religion in Belarus, Orthodox church, sociology of religion.

Алесь Шацькоў. Неаунія (1923—1939) і нацыянальная тоеснасць (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article «Neo-union (1923—1939) and national identity» studies the issues of nation building process in Western Belarus in 1923—1939. The field of the research is a neo-union action which can be viewed as an attempt to revive a unity of the Orthodox with the Roman Catholic Church. The author studies the question whether the neo-union action influenced (and in what manner, if yes) national identity of the Belarusians, and factors that promoted the neounion action and their attitudes to the «Belarusian question». The author also reviews activities of Vatican-city’s ruling institutions, in particular «Pro Russia» Commission, local Roman-Catholic authorities, activities of Lviv Uniat Metropolis. The article shows both position of Polish authorities and that of nationalistic circles, its dynamics and internal logic of an attitude towards the neo-union.

Геннадий Максак. Парламентские выборы в Украине: конфигурация коалиций (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is devoted to political events in Ukraine in 2006, elections to the Supreme Rada. The author analyses the political situation in the run up to the elections, the logic of situation development, problems of stable political coalition formation in post-election period. Key words: elections in Ukraine in 2006, parliamentary elections, political coalitions, government formation.

Андрэй Борка. Арганізацыя выбараў у органы гміннага і гарадскога самакіравання Заходняй Беларусі (1921—1939 гады) (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The article is focused on practices of elections to self-governance bodies in Western Belarus in 1921—1939; the main attention is devoted to an electoral process at the level of regional (hmina) and city self-governance. The author analyses political practice of Polish authorities in respect of self-governance in Western Belarus, peculiarities of political situation at the local level, influence of ideological, national and religious factors on local politics of Western Belarus in 1921—1939. Key words: elections in Western Belarus, local elections, local politics, elections to hmina, elections to city governments, national politics.

Андрэй Ягораў. Супярэчлівыя старонкі партыйнай гісторыі (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The Review of a handbook for university students by V.I. Vernigorov «Political parties in Russia and Belarus» is devoted to issues of political party history in Belarus and in Russian empire at the end of 1800s – in the beginning of 1900s, existence of mono-party Soviet system, history of contemporary party systems of Belarus and Russia. The following shortcomings of the handbook are noted: eclecticism of contents, methodic and methodological vagueness, controversial way of narration, ideological aims. Key words: political parties, party system, party system of Belarus, history of political parties, teaching of history, political history

Наталля Васілевіч. Славацкая надзея беларусаў. Браціслава — Мінск, 2006 (Full text)

Abstract (EN)
The review is devoted to consideration of actuality of Slovak democratic transformation experience for Belarus, and it is also devoted to some articles on genealogy of Slovak identity, history of Slovakia and country’s democratic transition in 1998. Key words: Slovakia, Belarus, democratic transformation, Slovaks, Slovak identity, Czechoslovakia, OK’98, democratization

Інфармацыя пра аўтараў і ўдзельнікаў дыскусіі (pdf)